- 01454 228706
- admin@greencommunitytravel.co.uk
Dear Passengers,
Please be aware that from the 1st of May 2017 our Ring and Ride fares will increase by £0.50.
In a continually changing economic environment with fluctuating Diesel prices etc the Committee has taken the decision to increase the fare by a small amount to continue to ensure the viability of the Ring and Ride service. As in previous years the Management Committee have concerns that some passengers may find these charges challenging and be unable to access essential services, should this be the case please contact the manager in confidence.
The charges will be being reviewed at six monthly intervals by the management committee.
With best wishes,
Green Community Travel Management Committee.
Charges for 2017-2018
Distance - Home to Destination
0-5 miles
Return charge £4.00
5.1 – 10 miles
Return charge £5.00
10.1 – 15 miles
Return charge £6.00