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Booking line issues

Complaints during this past year are invariably related to our booking line – and we are constantly reviewing how this is managed. Our booking system is being updated during the summer holidays which will help to alleviate this.

One way passengers could assist us would be to try and ring during less busy times for example after 11:30am another would be for passengers to endeavour to be more flexible when booking less urgent travel, for example shopping trips.

Rising costs, AGM Management Report

Green Community Travel will face financial pressures these next three years and are seeking to build up funds so financial planning has included an element for contingency which as you can see is reflected in our Annual Accounts.

Thank you to our retiring volunteers

After many years serving as our Vice chair Pam Matthews has decided to retire. Pam has been a great source of enthusiasm and support to the group, especially to me over the years. Recently, she has suffered ill health and I am sure you will join me in wishing her well and a speedy recovery.

Funding message from the Chair, AGM 2012

Our main funding comes from South Gloucestershire Council with whom we have an SLA or Service Level Agreement – they say what they want done and we do it. This has just been renewed for a further 3 years. They also pay us an amount for every passenger carried and therefore in this time of economic uncertainty it is very important that the buses are run as efficiently as possible – that is carrying as many passengers as possible at any one time. In airline parlance that means it is down to “Bums on Seats”.

Notice of AGM, 7 June 2012

The Annual General Meeting will take place in the Watkins Room, The Old Grammar School, Chipping Sodbury.  The meeting will commence at 2pm. As well as presenting their reports and the accounts, the Officers and Management Committee will be on hand to answer any questions.
