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COVID-19/Coronavirus Notices


The Coronavirus (COVID-19):

A message for our passengers and service users


In the wake of this unprecedented situation Green Community Travel ltd has been taking steps to safeguard our passengers & staff.


The team has been working tirelessly to implement the latest government advice and establish the best way of providing essential support for out passengers.  We are constantly monitoring the situation and in close contact with the local authority so all stakeholders have access to the best advice.


This is a very fluid and fast moving situation so for the very latest information on our services please see our Facebook page. We will be continuing to make regular updates, passing on important advice, collated information & useful announcements:


* WE ARE OPEN. Community Transport is considered an essential service.  We do not count as public transport so if people need travel essentially (especially if you fall into a vulnerable group) please do consider us. 01454228706 *


Passenger Procedures: Click Here



May 16th 2022:

The wearing of face masks/coverings is now optional

Please still wear one if you have an illness, and if you are vulnerable please let us know as we are happy to ask drivers to wear a mask while assisting you. We can also make sure you are distanced from other passengers.

The vehicles will continue to have ventilation so bring an extra layer if necessary.

Cases are now decreasing and we have noticed in many places less masks are being worn. We remained cautious but with many people now having had their 4th jab we feel now is the time to allow passengers to make the choice for themselves.

We want all passengers to feel comfortable so please know you can speak to us in confidence if you have any worries.

This update will come into effect from the 16th of May



February 16th 2022: 

We review social distancing at our monthly committee meetings.

As of Tues 1st March we have taken the decision to remove Social Distancing on our vehicles.

We ask that a face covering is still to be worn unless exempt (please let us know this before travelling) and to sanitise whilst getting on/off our vehicles! All our cleaning procedures will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

With these procedures staying in place we feel the risk is Minimal.

We will however remain cautious and will revert back to 1m distancing if we feel the need to.

Please do let us know if you have not be fully vaccinated and/or are exempt from mask wearing so we can ensure we take appropriate measures to keep you and the rest of our passengers and staff safe.

If you have any concerns please feel free to call our office to speak to a member of staff: 01454 228706


Jenny Bright




Green Community Travel Ltd





December 9th 2021:

PDF icon     Plan A What to expect when travelling July 2021.pdf


July 19th 2021:

Hi everyone, we are still following the same procedures at GCT. 

As cases are currently so high in South Gloucestershire and still rising we are maintaining our Covid procedures until cases decline. 

Therefore we are still social distancing at 1m and asking all passengers to wear face masks/coverings when onboard.

We have a duty of care to keep our passengers, volunteers and staff safe and feel it is safer, given the vulnerability of many of our members, to continue as we have been for the time being. 


Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation. 


Jenny Bright




Green Community Travel Ltd



March 29th 2021:

Please see our updated procedure for our passengers travelling during Covid.

We've tried to make it easier for passengers to follow and give those that haven't been travelling an idea of what to expect when travelling with us.



Please feel free to share this, and as ever, if you have any queries at all call us on 01454 228706 or email us at



January 2021: *COVID Update 05.01.20* 

Following the latest announcement we are back in lockdown, so we will be reverting to providing essential travel only.


If you were sent a letter in the March and December lockdown to say you are clinically vulnerable and need to stay at home this will likely be the case for this lockdown, but you should receive a letter from the government.


So we will be running for essential travel, this is:

 To shop for basic necessities, for you or a vulnerable person. 

➡ To go to work, or provide voluntary or charitable services, if you cannot reasonably do so from home. 

➡ To exercise with your household (or support bubble) or one other person, this should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area. 

➡ To meet your support bubble or childcare bubble where necessary, but only if you are legally permitted to form one. 

➡ To seek medical assistance (including GP, Dental & Vaccination appointments) or avoid injury, illness or risk of harm (including domestic abuse). 

➡ To attend education or childcare - for those eligible. 

(you can find more detailed government guidance here)


If you are clinically vulnerable and you do not have a support network please get in touch with us ASAP.


We are going to come into our office as with the buses running daily it is really difficult for us to work from home. We are able to social distance in our office and also are following strict procedures with masks, hand hygiene and cleaning regime, but the office will be CLOSED completely for visitors.


Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you are worried at all, if we cannot help we will do everything we can to find someone that can! We are lucky enough to live in an area with a lot of lovely generous people so don't feel alone, we're all in this with you heart



Jenny Bright




Green Community Travel Ltd



December 2020:

Dear Passengers,


I’m sure we have all heard the news by now, but we are in Tier 3 in South Gloucestershire. This will be reviewed on the 16th of December.

This means we will have to cancel the trips for December from 01.12.20 to 16.12.20.

When we know what Tier South Glos will go in to afterwards and then make a decision about the trips on the 18th and 21st of Dec.

What Are The New Rules?

The new rules for Tier 3 include:

·         People from different households must not meet indoors

·         People from other households must not meet outdoors, other than in parks and public outdoor spaces

·         You can only meet in groups of up to 6 people outdoors

·         You should not travel to areas outside of South Glos which have different rules

Activities, Eating and Drinking Out

·         Pubs, cafes and restaurants will only be allowed to serve food or drink by takeaway, click-and-collect, drive-through or delivery services

·         Shops, hairdressers, barbers, and gyms will be open

·         Bowling alleys, bingo halls, amusement arcades, theme parks, zoos, theatre and cinemas will be closed

It’s really important we all remember Hands, Face and Space!

We will still be adhering to 2m social distancing on the vehicles and asking all passengers to wear face coverings. (If you have an exemption please let us know before travelling if possible.)

GCT reserve the right to cancel any journey that does not conform to government guidelines.

We are also able to help with other things, if you are struggling with anything please do always ask us for a hand. If it is something we cannot help with we will find someone that can!

This could be a difficult time for many people so please don’t feel as though you are alone, we are on the end of the phone and we’re all in this together.

With our very best wishes and kindest regards,


The GCT Team


November 2020:

Dear Passengers,

I’m sure we have all heard the news by now, but we will be entering lockdown again on Thurs the 5th of November.

Therefore we will revert to only providing transport for essential journeys.

Essential journeys are:

  • Medical Appointments (GP, Dentist, Optician, Hospital, Physio etc.)

  • Shopping (Essential items, Groceries, Prescriptions etc.)

GCT reserve the right to cancel any journey that does not conform to government guidelines.


We will still be adhering to 2m social distancing on the vehicles and asking all passengers to wear face coverings. (If you have an exemption please let us know before travelling if possible.)


We will also be cancelling all Day Trips for November.  We will review Day Trips for December nearer the time when we know what the Gov Guidelines might be.

We are also able to help with other things, if you are struggling with anything please do always ask us for a hand. If it is something we cannot help with we will find someone that can!

This could be a difficult time for many people so please don’t feel as though you are alone, we are on the end of the phone and we’re all in this together.


With our very best wishes and kindest regards,


The GCT Team


July 2020:

* Ring & Ride is now fully available again for all passengers on a socially distanced basis. visit family/friends in your bubble, get some exercise, carry-out shopping, hairdressing, pharmacy & doctor visits? Please don't hesitate to call the team & talk about your needs.

* Socially distanced trips/outings are tentatively scheduled to return from August, keep checking our Facebook for all the latest.

*  Our staff are slowly retuning to work & our office is now open 3+ days a week, explicitly by appointment only!

* We are asking passengers to please think of their own safety & the safety of our drivers by wearing face masks & gloves when traveling on our busses.

* Passenger procedures: Click Here


May 2020:

 *We are collecting prescriptions for people and are also working with Morrisons in Yate to get people's shopping. Call us on a Monday and Tuesday (by 12noon) and we will take your requests. We will then deliver the shopping on a Thursday. Payment will be taken for the shopping over the phone along with a small delivery fee. Call 0845 2410985 to get added to the list. Once on our list, Lauren will call you each Monday (if we haven’t heard from you) to take your wish list!*


March 2020:

  • our office staff are now working from home & our office is closed to visitors.  Phone lines have been diverted to our mobiles so please bear with us as lines may be busier than normal.
  • We have our Ring & Ride service running each day for essential travel only.  Essential travel is medical appointments or shopping if you have no one else who can help you.
  • We have increased our cleaning regimen. Buses are being cleaned regularly with antibacterial cleaners. Hand rails & high traffic areas are bing wiped down with antibacterial wipes after each passenger.
  • Mobility equipment (rollators, walking sticks etc) should be cleaned with an antibacterial cleaner ahead of using the service.
  • Passengers are required to use the provided sanitising gel before boarding the bus.
  • Passengers will be seated 2 meters away from the driver & other passengers wherever possible. 
  • Drivers will be wearing latex gloves*
  • Passengers presenting with symptoms will be refused travel. If a passenger develops symptoms in transit they will be taken home immediately.
  • Passengers should wash their hands for 20 seconds before and after they have been on public transport and catch coughs and sneezes in tissues, disposing of the tissue in the onboard bin.
  • Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your standard cleaning products. 
  • Advise passengers they should not travel if they are feeling unwell with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) - a new, continuous cough or a high temperature. This will also help to protect others from infection.
  • Passengers are asked that whenever possible they should wear gloves & face masks while traveling.
  • Transport will be refused to any passenger that fails to comply with the required procedures.


We will continue to update these and other procedures as new advice becomes available.  

Please keep a close eye on our Facebook page.


We know this is going to be a strange time for all of us, but if you are worried,  if you want a chat then please call.

We can't wait to see you all again, please remember we are still here for you. Stay Safe, Stay Inside & WASH HANDS!


If you suffer from any form of latex allergy please contact us.