- 01454 228706
- admin@greencommunitytravel.co.uk
Some fantastic volunteers, committee members and staff Took the Plunge on Saturday at Portishead Marina! 12 of us plunged into the marina's chilly waters and were rescued by a Newfoundland Dog. Newfound Friends are a charitable organisation that organise events like this for other charities. The dogs are trained and owned by members of the group and their commitment and cheerful manner is amazing! Please take a look at their website: http://www.newfoundfriends.co.uk/
We shared the day with our neighbours at North Road Primary School, their brave explorers were sponsored to raise funds for the school for some new equipment.
We will be putting our funds to a new 15 seater minibus which we will use for Day Trips and Groups.
We have raised over £2000 so far (we still have some sponsorship coming in too!) and would to thank all of our sponsors and our wonderful friends and family who helped us by jumping in and also came to support us.
Some of our committee members Marian and Barbara also took the plunge as well as Amy and Michaela from the office. We also have some brilliant friends and family that also came to help our cause. Special thanks to Cheryl, Matt, Joe, Antonia, Pete and David who all raised over £100 for GCT and bravely took the plunge too!
We have attached some pictures below.
Again a massive thank you to the amazing people at Newfound Friends, we are so grateful to you.
Check out more GCT news in our NEWS section.